Monday, December 8, 2014

An evening at a friends house

We were invited to a friends of ours who live just down the road from us. They have older boys and they were getting rid of some of their toys. How kind of them to think of our boys to give them to. 

We had a very nice time with them and the boys ask continually when we are going back. The boys could not believe how many legos they have, it was truly amazing how much they have collected them through the years, wow. 
It's great to have older boys that are a good example for my boys to be around. It makes my heart smile! :)

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. 
Proverbs 22:6


  1. praise the Lord for the goodness that we can show to one another!
    this is a example of how people can be kind and these boys can be thankful!!!
    If my Grandsons were not thankful I rather they got nothing but I know these boys and they have learned thankfulness and that is wonderful!!!
    God bless you both God..,God will bless you many times as you continue to learn to be thankful!!!! God will also Bless the family that shared these wonderful play things with my grandsons..Amen

  2. Thank you for this special post. ♥
    You took some great photos. :-)
