Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Breaking my heart

This year we have decided to send our kids to public school again. This was a bit of a hard decision, but at the time I made it I felt that we had to do it this way for this year. The boys and I enjoyed homeschooling and them being home all the time was hard, but we enjoyed our time together. After our homeschool was done this spring I felt like this was something I wanted to keep doing, but maybe try something new, like going through the public school online or Classical Conversations, which I was quite sure we would do one of those choices. Then some things changed that and I decided to send them to public school.

And now two weeks into public school my youngest is breaking my heart, he is wanting me to come to school for lunch and recess and asking why I can't stay longer or be in school all the time, which I am a sub so I will be there sometimes but not all the time. He doesn't like going, he is crying every morning when I drop him off. Saying school is too long and he misses me. 
The teacher has told me he is behind, we never did the math they are teaching now and it is just alot different then homeschool. To be completely honest I know school is nothing like it used to be, but thinking more about it I do think they are expecting too much these days from our kids. 

The struggle is my kids are hard to teach at home, I love teaching and getting curriculum always made me so excited. But the boys would always have a hard time "working hard". They would do some of their work and then give me such a hard time to finish it, I would have to not do so much in a day just so they didn't get too frustrated and not do the work at all. I will say my oldest worked harder than his brother. And so he is doing ok in school right now. 

Its just really hard to see my youngest struggle every morning and cry. :( 

We pretty much decided to keep them in public for this year. Its so hard to know what is right, we have been praying about this and talking to friends.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Sending HUGS! It was fun to visit on Saturday. The boys are so fun to visit with too. I enjoy hearing about their adventures.
    xx oo
