Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Pets and why I am glad my kids are growing up with them

When I was a child I always wanted to have a dog, I am not sure what age I started asking for one, but I know I was always crazy about dogs and cats. Maybe I got that trait and longing for a pet from my Great grandma Wolff. I heard she loved her pets and also loved wildlife; watching and listening to the birds in her yard. I am quite sure I have handed down that trait to my boys too.

When my oldest was born we did not have any animals. I was sad about that, so when both my boys were young I decided we had to get a pet, so we looked and waited and found Rainbow Rosalie on Craigslist. We were so excited to find a kitty! She was lovely and born on a ranch! Rainbow is now 8 years old and she has been the best kitty we could of asked for, I call her my nanny for the boys. She helps me tuck them in at night, she comes running if they are crying and she always loves their kisses. I am so happy we have her!

Then a year later we decided to get a pet we could walk and play with outside, so we got Sadie Arianna, a Yellow Lab. She was so small and cute with lots of energy! It was exciting to have a dog as a pet and know she would be a fun addition to our family.
She was such a challenge as a pup we brought her to puppy Kindergarten in hopes that would help with her craziness, which it did help some, but she has always been her own boss and for the most part is a strong willed doggy.

We also added Charlie a couple of years ago, which is just the sweetest, easiest dog I have ever owned. That is why he is now a T.D.I.(Therapy Dogs International) dog. He always makes people smile and is so cuddly.
And by the way Sadie and Charlie are best friends. 💓

With all this said about our pets, I am quite convinced pets are a very important part of families, especially families with growing children.

These are some of the important things my kids have learned from our pets-

  • LOVE- When our pets cuddle with us, check on us and bark at a new visitor they are showing us love. 
  • RESPONSIBILITY- They have taught my kids how to care for others by taking care of their needs, feeding them, brushing them, bathing them. 
  • KEEPING FIT- Our dogs definitely have helped with this. We try to walk them daily, which is healthy for all of us. 
My oldest also has a Bearded Dragon and a "summer pet" frog. Both are only his responsibility and have been great for him to learn more about each and how to take care for them. 

I wanted to share this info, even though I am sure most of you know this, but wanted to share our experience with pets and how we feel they help us. 

And if you don't have a pet, but would like to get one I hope this blog post helps you decide.

My Great Grandma Wolff with her dog, I believe. 
Myself with my dog, Precious. 
Here are some photos with our pets. 💙

Our Bella bunny too!!

Friday, April 24, 2020

Quarantine 2020

These have been interesting times lately. We have enjoyed the less crazy, more peaceful time to enjoy the small things. I have enjoyed more bird watching and reading. The boys have been finding new things to do also. Josh is still working, so that has kept him on his regular schedule. 

Going for walks and exploring has been our number one activity we have enjoyed during quarantine. We have found new places to walk, which has been fun. The weather has been strange, the first picture is around the first day of quarantine and then the second picture was a week later, then the third was a week later. Snow, nice out, more snow! Its so crazy! I think the snow is done for now, hopefully. The nice weather has definitely made it much easier during the quarantine. 

                           Some things we have been up to-

  Cleaning vehicles.


          Wrestling with dad.

Reading good books.

                 Hiking on new trails!
          Having church in our living room.

             Building with dad.

                         Checking out old spots.
        Planting and watching seeds grow!
    Camping in our backyard!

        Sadie being our watchdog while we camp. She growled a couple of times, which makes me wonder if the Bear was thinking of visiting!!!!

I hope you are all well and taking this unique time to spend it with your loved ones and make memories. I don't mind the quietness of this time. It is nice to get closer to the Creator and the nature He created!

Keep your face to the SUNSHINE and you cannot see a shadow.
Helen Keller