Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What we do in JaNuArY!

This is what we did in January....

Went cross country skiing

Made some really yummy food

Seen some really pretty landscapes

Had to do a Google chat with my Mops group because it was too cold to leave the house

Organized the house

Played princess and princes!

Got in the car and couldn't believe the number I saw 

Went ice fishing and caught some Northerns

Went sliding with my sister 'n' law, fun times

My sister and her adorable dog came for a visit
Went sliding with the fam
Travis made an awesome jump for the boys
Remodeling again

Went to puppy kindergarten

Went and visited the baby rats, there getting so big

Conner got sick  

Conner went to a friend's Bday party at Skate City

Playing outside again after school being closed two days in a row 

Snowplowed all the time

Being pulled in sled by Kash

Thats what we did in January, phew!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Honey Facial Scrub

    Honey Facial Scrub



  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar 
  • 1 tbsp olive or coconut oil
  • 1 drop of your favorite essential oil (lavender, jasmine, rose, geranium, bergamot are all nice)
Mix ingredients in a bowl.

This is the recipe for the Honey Facial Scrub I found, this is how I did it and loved it. 

I used honey, brown sugar, organic coconut oil and 1 drop of jasmine essential oil. It smells great and feels great. I hope you try this!

To Use

Apply mixture to skin and massage in a circular motion to ensure you're removing dead skin from your face. Rinse with warm water and press skin with a warm washcloth (my favorite part of a scrub).
Make sure your skin is clean and apply.

The Benefits of Exfoliation

Use this scrub once or twice a week to keep your skin in tip-top shape. It's important year-round to exfoliate both your face and your body, but I find in winter it's even more important.
Get ingredients together and put on your face then wash off with warm water.

Then put hot towel over your face and relax! I know this looks silly, but it felt great.

And then your face feels nice and smooth,

Monday, January 20, 2014

DIY: Homemade hair moisturizer

I have another DIY which I really like the idea of it so I want to share it.
You will need:
2 tbs. Coconut oil
1/2 can of Coconut milk ( for long hair the whole can)
1 ripe banana 

Mix all the ingredients in the blender and it will look like this and smell like banana bread, yumm!

Also make sure you wear a old t-shirt or something you don't care if you get it dirty.

Put it evenly throughout all your hair and rub into your scalp.
Leave in your hair for a half hour then remove in the shower with shampoo and conditioner.

 My hair is super soft this morning, but it made it look like I just got out of the shower. I think it will look better after the second time I wash my hair, but I know its so good for my hair.
 If you try it let me know how it worked with your hair type! 
Also this is super good for your hair in the winter!!