Sunday, April 27, 2014

April showers bring May flowers

This is how we started spring this year!
Cool vehicles at the library.
Conner got to sit in the front seat.

Conner's acting shots, lol


 piƱata fun

We got this rabbit from my dad 3 years ago( he got it from mexico) and it has been sitting in our basement since, so finally this Easter we took it out for some fun. 

My dad even got to try it!

This is me lately and my machine looks almost like this one. I love sewing, but I have had to look in the manual quite a few times since I started this sewing adventure.

Made 7 of these in two hours~ lavender eye pillows.
Painted the breeze way finally. 

Crazy squirrel 


Started planting!!
Potatoes, Onions and carrots

Our blueprint of the garden, yes we are serious! 

Joshs new toy!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Sewing, Snow and more sewing. I heart Sewing!

I had to add this handsome guy in here.

My new sewing machine! It was my great Aunts

My first envelope pillow 

Pouches I made for the boys rocks they find.

I am so excited to have a sewing machine thanks to Uncle Dave & Aunt Gail for thinking of me. I didn't know how much I would like sewing, but so far I absolutely love it and I want to try to make everything. I have made envelope pillows, pouches for the boys and now I'm starting to make lavender eye masks. So exciting! :)