Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Sewing spring dresses and Conner reading

Conner is starting to really get the hang of reading. We have been trying really hard to get his sight words known, so he will do better with reading. At Wal-Mart the other day I noticed Dr. Suess books were on sale so I bought a couple of them and told Conner to try reading them. He tried and now loves to read them the best he can. His favorite so far is, Green Eggs and Ham. I can't wait for him to be able to read chapter books and really learn new things. 
Reading to his brother 

So as far as my sewing is going, well pretty good, but lets just say this was going to be a dress and turned into an apron. Well hey at least it turned into something rather than scraps.

I am working on a dress now, I had to buy a pattern this time though.

My half apron

Almost finished half apron 
Hopefully my dress will look similar to this when I am done with it. 

Well my dad is back from the Philippines, he got us some cool stuff including this Malong. I will be probably using it in the summer when we are camping or when the boys and I go outside to sit under the stars. It is beautiful fabric and definitely for summer. Thanks dad!

Some pics from the Philippines that really touched my heart. Mostly kids on the cement sleeping, so sad. 
I really hope that these kids get the help they need and find a wonderful home one day. I hope that they will grow up and help others that are in need. 

Please Lord help these beautiful children to know you and to become lights in this world one day, Amen.

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