Monday, June 30, 2014

Cousins visit!!

The boys and I are so sad that all our cousins live either an hour away or far away. Its kinda sad for these guys because they are not growing up with cousins like everyone else around us. :( So when we do see our relatives its exciting and so fun. I really love our times spent with these cousins, and truly look up to my cousin Joe and his wife Maria. They are amazing parents and have beautiful children with one on the way. I am so happy for them!
With that being said, enjoy some pictures of our visit with them at Farmers market.

Sorry I didn't get your whole face in the pic Maria. : /
Or this one....

Look at the cute baby Therese is holding. And guess what... its a DOLL! Isn't that crazy, it looks so real. I guess the lady who was selling them paints them and sticks in the oven :0 lol and then sews the rest of the body on. I think I heard someone say they are $80 for one. 

Well Therese was fascinated by this baby. :)

Boys, boys. They thought it was hilarious to lay under the swing. 

Therese didn't much like this idea. 


Carter loved hanging out with Patrick. 

These pics will be so fun to look back at when they get older. 

Maria and I.  :)


  1. Thank you so much for sharing these. I just wish I was there. I would have laid on the ground with the boys.

  2. You are an awesome stay at home mommy!! I love looking at your blog!!

  3. Aunt T. I know you would of laid on the ground, haha.
    Thanks Michelle! xoxo
