We have been busy doing hands on activities around here, which the boys love. Around Halloween we made homeade root beer with dry ice and the process was pretty neat. The root beer tasted great, but I got the clear root beer extract, oops.... It was still really good.

We also made homemade snowflakes to put on the windows and some of them my oldest cut out without a pattern, pretty creative,
For math one day I got out the mini marshmallows and toothpicks to create geometrical shapes.
This was fun for the boys, I put whip cream on a baking sheet and had them write sight words that I would say. So they enjoyed eating the whip cream afterwards.
Matching sight words with string. Messy, but fun for awhile.
I am always looking for hands on activities, because my boys learn more with them most of the time. I got some of these ideas from a you tube channel I watch and the lady also homeschools. I also get alot of my ideas on Pinterest.