Tuesday, December 20, 2016

A day of embroidering

My grandma Severson would be proud, I kept saying to myself this past weekend as the boys and I found ourselves inside most of the weekend because of the weather. So I got my grandmas old tin of embroidery thread out (she had hundreds of colors in this tin), and I was so excited when my oldest was actually enjoying this craft. We made 4 embroidery patterns that day, my oldest did two and I did two. It was so fun to see how well he had done. My youngest helped too, but he was not enjoying it as much as my oldest.

As you can see we were busy embroidering that day.
My house has projects of two quilts and embroidering projects all over, it is a busy Christmas sewing/embroidery season. 

My oldest first embroidery pattern, a fish!

My first embroidery pattern!

Working on a gift during school reading time. 

My youngest helped with these tree ornaments.

I have really enjoyed doing embroidery so far and I am so happy my boys have too, It makes me glad to know when they get older they will know how to sew up a hole in their sock. :)

We are working on more patterns, I will show them when we are finished.

The boys and I are especially thankful for daddy's one year of being sober, we celebrated by going out to eat with the people that helped us out through that time. It has been touching to see what God can do. 

We are wishing you a Merry Christmas!!


  1. Well you have a lot you said here and shared from doing this project with your boys to even Josh well I'm proud of everybody Josh I'm very proud I stand amazed because God is so good and I do believe my prayers are answered as I have prayed Faithfully since before you guys are married for God's hand to be upon you and Josh so also I am so happy you and the boys or your oldest came to do Christmas caroling at Rice Lake Nursing Home and to see you doing the things Grandma Severson used to do she would be so proud of you she would be so happy and I'm happy too I believe especially the young boys this is a good thing to learn and it's a good thing for anybody to learn perhaps so praise the Lord I really enjoy the pictures and what all you shared I'm very proud of you my daughter I praise God for how he's answering my prayers about you also!!!
    I'm proud of you being such a great mama a Wonderful Life and an amazing daughter

  2. So happy for you all. Praying for your family my dear friend.
    Love you all!
