Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Sweet Love!

We attended a Beautiful wedding this past weekend. I really felt like I was watching a romantic movie. It was truly Amazing and the true reason it was so Amazing is because God was the center of this wedding and he is the center of their lives. 

This is what they had written on their invites: 
I don't need you, I need Christ and him alone, but I do chose you, and because of him, I have chosen perfectly. 

Isn't that Beautiful, I love that.

So there were cowboys at this wedding so the boys got to wear their cowboy boots and best jeans, they fit right in. 

This was at a private lake house, absolutely beautiful. 

The Bride with the boys.

The Bride and me.
She is a lovely young lady. 

One of my dancing partners, I tried to get them into dancing, but it really wasn't their thing. I did at least get Josh to do a slow-romantic dance with me, yay! 


  1. Wonderful pictures beautiful words thank you.
    There are many wonderful people that have richness in this world and these your folks been married have richness in Jesus!
    I pray God will lead them to use them to bless and to use the financial richness for God's purpose.
    Wonderful wedding I'm so happy you

    all went

  2. Fun! Yes, the wedding looks like a great time.
    So happy for Lexi.
    And your family looks so sweet.
    I bet it was a magical night.
