This last Saturday I went to Duluth with my friend and we met up with my sister Michelle and her friend. We walked around by the lake a bit and to some stores then went to get our glow shirts and waited in line for 2 hrs. to get our face painted. Then at 9:05 p.m. we started our running. I wanted to start out slow and finish fast. My goal was to not stop running the whole way. I kept to my goal except for maybe 2 seconds. lol It was a nice night not too hot, it was just right for running. So it really worked out well. Michelle and I got through the finish line together. We ran 3 miles in 37 minutes! Pretty good for not running alot. And my sister is not that young anymore so I think its awesome she did so well too.
Wonderful pics....I'm glad your friends and you had such good time Michelle too!!!