I found Josh a beater! Its a 2001 Honda civic, so we took it for a road trip this weekend and it ran great.
I finally know what to do with all the agates the boys find.

This is what Agate fest is all about, yep its quite crazy just to find agates. Not my favorite thing to do, but the boys wanted me to come with.
They had fun, Carter found some keepers.
My pictures at the fair. I got 1st place on this one, I was hoping I would. Conner and I worked hard to get these pics.
Birds- 3rd place
People- 3rd place
5*7 landscape- 3rd place
Beautiful horse
Grandpa and Conner petting a cow
Isn't this sweet, I had to get a picture of this.
On the Tilt o whirl
Carter and I on the ferris wheel, scary!
Conner told me he wants pigs, goats and chickens after fair this year.
I also saw my Kindergarten teacher at the fair, so fun!
Our bunny got 1ST PLACE! We had to wait 5 hours to show her. The judge got lost ( from Mn), the boys got really restless, but we waited and showed our bunny. The judge said she is healthy, he checked her teeth, nails and coat. Such a fun experience, just hopefully next year we won't have to wait that long.
Garden update!
Lots of Zucchini, green beans, sugar snap peas. So exciting to go pick from the garden everyday. Its fun to say, you guys want a snack? Ok, lets go in the garden, lol. :)