Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Science class

So we have been having fun in science class this week. The boys obviously LOVE insects, amphibians, and reptiles.

Conner and I had a long talk before bed last night about what he wants to be when he grows up. Well after hearing what he said I did some research and found Herpetologist,a branch of zoology, concerned with the study of amphibians and reptiles. He wants to work at Pet supplies plus during high school and then possibly work at a zoo. I know this is way in the future and kinda silly to really think this is what he will do. But I do believe he is going to do something with animals. He is a amphibian, reptile, insect lover. He loves finding these guys and can find them anywhere. So I have been focusing on these guys for science and Conner loves it. 

In fact, the other day Conner was walking in the field and found a Chrysalis. I thought it was neat, but didn't realize it was about to hatch. Well yesterday Conner came running in, it hatched. We all said, ya right. But guess what it did and it was a BEAUTIFUL Monarch butterfly. So that day we watched a video on Monarchs and how after this fourth generation (hatches in September, October) butterfly hatches it has to be let go so it can fly to Mexico. So fun. We let his wings dry and will let him go tomorrow, hopefully a sunny, warm day. 

Blossom like a BUTTERFLY

         Something else we found in the field, ya isn't he cute! His name: Argiope aurantia (Black and yellow garden spider).

Conner and his caterpillar watching a video on Monarch butterfly's.

Have a great week! 

Homeschoolingmomfornow :)


  1. This is quite wonderful & nowadays with the internet and a mom that is willing to stay home with the boys there is no end to the things they can study and learn!!!

  2. This is quite wonderful & nowadays with the internet and a mom that is willing to stay home with the boys there is no end to the things they can study and learn!!!
