Had to rhyme a little there, lol. Anyways yes Conner being three is more difficult each day it seems. I almost feel like I need to go to counseling for this age. He is just such a stinker, but I have done a little researching and read on the internet about little boys that are three and misbehave. So I am tryin this chart, I'm calling it the "Conners Reward Chart". So he has to do things like obey mom and dad, pick up his toys, leave wherever we are without having a fit, nice to others, says thank you or please. And if he does good with each of these he gets a sticker, then if he gets more than 5 stickers he can have a treat or snack at the end of the day. I'm going to try this for a few weeks and see if he starts behaving better. I'm tryin my best and I really want my boys to behave and grow up to be great men. But this stage is rough. So if any one that has been through this and has suggestions please tell me your thoughts it would be great!I definitely need all the advice I can get.
We recently visited my friend Rosemaries parents house "The Gingerichs", wonderful family. She was up for her sisters wedding, which was a very nice wedding. So we went up there for the afternoon and went on a 4 wheeler ride, ate some good food, sang songs around the campfire. It was so nice. Its always great to be around such a great family. The boys had lots of fun and Conner and carlin (Rosemaries son) became the best of friends, you'll see in the pics I post.
The cutest play house in the woods! Rosemarie and I used to play in this same playhouse when we were little. :) Little messy, but they just had there like 12 (I think) grandkids staying at there house.
Conner Loved this tractor, of coarse!
Conner & Carlin
Verena & Rosemarie
My dad and his new ride...haha a prius, actually a really neat car.
The boys after a half hour bike ride!
We also went on a tripp to Hayward recently to visit my sister Michelle and everyone else up there. Really fun time at the beach and her house!
A tadpole!
Travis helping the boys get a tadpole.
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