CUPCAKES! I made these for Library craft today for all the lil kids. Yummy, they all said so thats was good.
Josh and Conner at Irvine park.
This guy was so funny, he loved the kids.
Conner and mountain lion.
Conner and Carter saying hi to the tiger.
Conner said the bear wanted peanuts, haha. He probably did too!
Friendly bear!
Carter thought he would give brother a push this time!lol
Josh with the boys.
Me and Conner, we did'nt have anyone around us at the moment, otherwise we would of had family pic taken. O well.
Carter loves going down the slide face first and hes fast about it too!
This deer was truly amazing. He came up to us and I had a lil talk with him and asked him how he likes the place. We had a nice conversation with the
This is a old swedish home I believe that's what it said. But just interesting, had to get a pic of it.
So yes we had a great day at Irvine. Josh had to go to dentist for consultation for getting his wisdom teeth pulled. So within the month he will be getting that done, so we will be down here again to see this wonderful park! Hope everyone has a great weekend! God bless!
Friday, April 29, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Easter, egg hunts and spending time with family!
Josh, me and Carter riding the mule at campground.
Conner and his cousin Lance.
Conner giving carter a kiss. As you can see Carter is in
Carter with his blanky mommy made him!
Conner found a egg!
lots of eggs!
Conner sharing some candy with brother
The boys in their house Grandpa and Grandma Carlson got them for Easter
My first tie blanket (it wasn't quite done here). Made this in 2 hours. Pretty sure I'm gonna make lots more and sell at my garage sale.
The boys loved their egg hunts, Conner got to go on a egg hunt three times this year. First was at Library time, the elderly hid the eggs at Library (So nice for the elderly). Then at our house Sunday and later that day at the Campground (Josh's grandma hid them). Conner got quite a few Quarters and some candy. All the Quarters of course went in his piggy bank. Carter enjoyed the candy, he wasn't much into finding the eggs.
We started Easter by going to Church. The service was pretty good, I guess it could of been better, considering there was alot of kids in the service, no Sunday school. I was happy we got to go and I got to sit for more than 15 minutes this time though. After church Carter and I had to stay and help in the nursery. We always have fun doing that. Then went home had left overs and Easter egg hunt. And before you knew it was time to go to the campground for Easter with Joshs family. Conner and Carter haven't been to the campground since last summer, so it was a fun day running around and looking at the lake. Out there today we got to see some volunteers catch some big fish to fertilize more fish. Then later at night the Indians go out there to spear the fish. I wanted to stay to watch that, but they come pretty late. So after some good food, riding the mule, running after Carter (he loves the lake too much). It was time to go home, O and Conner trying to break sticks over his knee, haha. Josh tried to teach him, but what came about it was a really funny face (wish I would of got a pic) and a funny dance. O he had everyone laughing so hard around the campfire, at one point Joshs uncle Pete was crying. HaHA Glad Conner can make people laugh and enjoy themselves. Anyways, Jesus is Alive! Hope everyone had a great Easter!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Good Friday!
Conner helping color the eggs!
Carter and his cute legs!
I had to remind him he is too old for baby food! haha but he thought it was funny.
Tie blanket I started tonight, its not all the way done, but took me an hour to get to this point!
Well today was definitely a "Good" day compared to the rest. Wow, what a week. Monday morning started out just the same as any other, when all of a sudden Conner threw up. My first thought was Oh no not the Flu again, (he had it in January as well). And sure enough he kept throwing up and he ended up throwing up all day. And when he wasn't doing that he was sleeping. Felt so bad for him. So this went on into the evening, then his stomach finally had a break for a bit. And he did have a good night sleep. But the next day was bad for him also. He had pain in his stomach from not eating anything and throwing up. And he also had diarrhea. So anyways the whole week up until today he was very sick. He got a fever with it too and called the nurse about all this and she said its going around and the diarrhea can last for two weeks! Ya crazy. But Ive been making him take 2 vitamin c tablets now and hopefully that will keep him away from these nasty germs. Josh and I got a little touch of it, nothing too bad. And well carter had the diarrhea, but he didn't act sick at all. Maybe it has something to do with me breastfeeding him for a year. So thank God were all ok after this rough week. And we are praying for good health for us and everyone. Was going to make it to Good Friday service at church, but with Conner still not 100% I decided not to go. Kinda sad we didn't get to go anywhere. O well I'm just happy he is feeling better.
Carter and his cute legs!
I had to remind him he is too old for baby food! haha but he thought it was funny.
Tie blanket I started tonight, its not all the way done, but took me an hour to get to this point!
Well today was definitely a "Good" day compared to the rest. Wow, what a week. Monday morning started out just the same as any other, when all of a sudden Conner threw up. My first thought was Oh no not the Flu again, (he had it in January as well). And sure enough he kept throwing up and he ended up throwing up all day. And when he wasn't doing that he was sleeping. Felt so bad for him. So this went on into the evening, then his stomach finally had a break for a bit. And he did have a good night sleep. But the next day was bad for him also. He had pain in his stomach from not eating anything and throwing up. And he also had diarrhea. So anyways the whole week up until today he was very sick. He got a fever with it too and called the nurse about all this and she said its going around and the diarrhea can last for two weeks! Ya crazy. But Ive been making him take 2 vitamin c tablets now and hopefully that will keep him away from these nasty germs. Josh and I got a little touch of it, nothing too bad. And well carter had the diarrhea, but he didn't act sick at all. Maybe it has something to do with me breastfeeding him for a year. So thank God were all ok after this rough week. And we are praying for good health for us and everyone. Was going to make it to Good Friday service at church, but with Conner still not 100% I decided not to go. Kinda sad we didn't get to go anywhere. O well I'm just happy he is feeling better.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Our weekend with beautiful weather...finally!
This weekend was so nice. The weather was awesome, on Sunday it got up to 71 degrees! I had shorts on Conner, he loved it. On Saturday Courtney( my niece) came over with her mom and my mom and her friend. We all enjoyed the cake I made for her, from scratch. It wasn't the best tasting cake, I'm gonna be honest. It kinda tasted like cornbread, lol. But they all said it was good, so that's all that matters. Josh, me and the boys took two walks on Sunday. One to the park, then one to Grumpy and grandmas house. Conner had lots of fun riding his bike there. He wore his helmet with no complaining, so that was great!
So moving on to today. Conner, Carter and I had went to open house for Preschool at First Lutheran. So nice there and Conner loved the toys and seemed to like his teacher. I am so excited for him. Preschool seems like a good step right now. He needs to get around more kids his age and actually get to know them. One of the kids that is going on the same days as Conner is a buddy of Conner's from Story time, so its perfect. Its been a good Monday. I have been praying about this Preschool thing and I think Gods showing us that it is going to be a good thing. Goodnight!
O also I am going to be selling my car. 2001 Oldsmobile Alero. 78,000 mi. Anyone interested let me know.
Friday, April 8, 2011

There si so many pics and stories to add, but this is all I have time for now. Conner and Carter just recently got a cat, we named her Mia. Conner loves her, Carter attacks her. yikkess! But she is the nicest cat I've ever met and takes the kids well. The Pinata is from my dad, he just recently went to Mexico. I think it will be fun to fill it up with candy for easter and let the kids have some fun. Then the last pic is of me and Carter during nap time. He was so warm and cuddly, I couldn't put him down. :)
Tryin something new.... Blogging!
I just was thinking the other day about how that would be fun to talk about my adventures as a mom on the internet, just didn't know where to do it. Even though I have Facebook, but I don't like sharing everything on there. So well here I am now blogging, all because I just read my cousins wife, Maria's, Blog site and I thought to myself hey that looks like fun. And I take pics all the time so this works perfectly.
Today has been so nice. The weather around here is finally warming up and we can go outside and play. Me and the boys started the day by going to Library in Cameron. I love this Library time for them because they get to make a craft and have a snack. At Rice Lake library they just read books, which is totally fine. But Conner loves doing crafts. So they made Bunny faces today and the grass was there hands. I usually have to help them cut things out, so I get to feel like I'm a kid again, its fun! Hehe. After craft we had to go home to Daddy, who had to go to work not long after we got home. So the boys got to play outside with him for a bit. Then ate and off to nap time. Later we played at park, Aunt becky joined us and Conner's buddy, Jacob was there. They had a blast. Carter also had fun giving auntie a workout by sending him down the slide then picking up again and over and over. Then off to Grandmas Judy's house to have supper and then possibly leaving Conner to spend the night. Was'nt sure if he would actually stay, but he has wanted to for a really long time and my mom will be working 7 days a week soon, so this will be the only time he can. Well he stayed and I think him and Grandma are gonna have fun, hopefully he will actually fall asleep for her. It was really strange leaving him there and even stranger when me and Carter got home. Wow talk about quiet, almost too quiet. But I must admit it was nice and relaxing. At the same time I will be happy to get my little monkey back home. I just got done making homemade vanilla cake, always wanting to try new things and this was definitly new. Its for my niece Courtney's Birthday tomorrow. Her and Michelle (my sister) are stopping by on the way back from a shopping day in Eau Claire. I'm also going to make pink vanilla frosting. This will be fun, I love baking.Well I better get to it, I have to go to bed sometime soon. Garage sailing early, hopefully will find some good buys! God Bless you all! Khristeen A.K.A. Momma
Today has been so nice. The weather around here is finally warming up and we can go outside and play. Me and the boys started the day by going to Library in Cameron. I love this Library time for them because they get to make a craft and have a snack. At Rice Lake library they just read books, which is totally fine. But Conner loves doing crafts. So they made Bunny faces today and the grass was there hands. I usually have to help them cut things out, so I get to feel like I'm a kid again, its fun! Hehe. After craft we had to go home to Daddy, who had to go to work not long after we got home. So the boys got to play outside with him for a bit. Then ate and off to nap time. Later we played at park, Aunt becky joined us and Conner's buddy, Jacob was there. They had a blast. Carter also had fun giving auntie a workout by sending him down the slide then picking up again and over and over. Then off to Grandmas Judy's house to have supper and then possibly leaving Conner to spend the night. Was'nt sure if he would actually stay, but he has wanted to for a really long time and my mom will be working 7 days a week soon, so this will be the only time he can. Well he stayed and I think him and Grandma are gonna have fun, hopefully he will actually fall asleep for her. It was really strange leaving him there and even stranger when me and Carter got home. Wow talk about quiet, almost too quiet. But I must admit it was nice and relaxing. At the same time I will be happy to get my little monkey back home. I just got done making homemade vanilla cake, always wanting to try new things and this was definitly new. Its for my niece Courtney's Birthday tomorrow. Her and Michelle (my sister) are stopping by on the way back from a shopping day in Eau Claire. I'm also going to make pink vanilla frosting. This will be fun, I love baking.Well I better get to it, I have to go to bed sometime soon. Garage sailing early, hopefully will find some good buys! God Bless you all! Khristeen A.K.A. Momma
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