Friday, July 20, 2018

Taxidermy, coffee and a quick summer

Wow, it has been four months since I updated my blog, sorry.

So my husbands taxidermy business has been busy this summer, which has been great. You can follow his work on Facebook- Water's Edge taxidermy. He loves doing taxidermy, it is neat to see his finished work. 

Josh and I have started something new- selling healthy coffee! We tried Organo about a year ago and we both like it so much we are distributors now. Here is a brief overview of Organo coffee-

Organo coffee contains Reishi mushroom in it, which has many health benefits. It was even used thousands of years ago in the Han dynasty in China. It is known as the King of herbs.
This is organic coffee!

Health benefits-

  • Boosts immune system
  • Anti-Cancer properties
  • Detoxification of the body
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Boosts energy
That is just some of the health benefits!

If you are interested in trying some let me know!

Here is our website-
*You can order directly from our website too!*

The boys have been enjoying V.B.S, swimming lessons and soon my oldest starts his band lessons, wow!

I still fight with the thought of homeschooling with public school not being perfect for us, but I do enjoy working there as an aide and will continue to do that this fall. We will see how the boys do this year, homeschooling is always in the back of my head. I miss organizing my curriculum and getting our "school room ready." The boys would like me to homeschool again too. :/

Here is some pictures from our adventures this far-

Working to get our garden started!

Painting our farm table!

Saving a baby Wood duck from our dogs!

Spying on Josh painting a fish!

Kayaking on our camping trip!

Little Charlie!

My oldest has a new hobby, collecting bobbers and fish baits. He finds all kinds of these while kayaking!

My boys taking care of tree frogs!

Camping with cousins!

That is all I have for now! 
I will update again soon, hopefully! :)

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