A video of the planes!
We got a nice blessing last weekend. The playground set my dad built for my old school (G.L.C.A), was given to him. So Josh and my dad went to work, brought it to our house put it together and added new swings. Its great and the boys love to swing!! We talked about this last weekend how my dad built this for my school when I was little and he never excepted to get it back and to give it to his grandkids. Pretty neat! He blessed the school by building it now they blessed him by giving it.
Its amazing how that works and how God provides that way!

Camping in the backyard and a movie!!
That's it for now!
awesome very wonderful pictures grandpa so proud that you guys have so much sense to enjoy the simple things and seems to be more more simple things make you both very happy and the boys god bless praise God!!!