My friend Kim and her son Ethan at parade in R.L.
Salvation Army
The boys did a great job. We stayed for a hour and half!
Conner is learning how to use my camera, so these are the pics he took. Not too bad, huh.
Our backyard. After looking at this it almost looks like we live in the country.
Jeff (Beckys B/F) talkin to Josh
Cool pic!
Conner and Carter got a big kick out of Jeff reading them books about bugs. lol
Conners ornament from Awanas!! Love it!
Making Peanut Clusters (My Aunt Sues recipe).
They turned out great!! Watch out because you might have some coming your way. We have lots to share!
Conner and his baby sister. Sooo cute!
Lance, joshs cousin, going sledding.
We love horses! This guy scared me a lil bit, he loved getting really close.
Feeding the horses
Conner picking an egg!!
We had a great time in the country!! We can't wait to have our own house in the country with some chickens!! Hopefully someday soon.
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