These have been interesting times lately. We have enjoyed the less crazy, more peaceful time to enjoy the small things. I have enjoyed more bird watching and reading. The boys have been finding new things to do also. Josh is still working, so that has kept him on his regular schedule.
Going for walks and exploring has been our number one activity we have enjoyed during quarantine. We have found new places to walk, which has been fun. The weather has been strange, the first picture is around the first day of quarantine and then the second picture was a week later, then the third was a week later. Snow, nice out, more snow! Its so crazy! I think the snow is done for now, hopefully. The nice weather has definitely made it much easier during the quarantine.
Cleaning vehicles.
Reading good books.
Having church in our living room.
Planting and watching seeds grow!
Camping in our backyard!
I hope you are all well and taking this unique time to spend it with your loved ones and make memories. I don't mind the quietness of this time. It is nice to get closer to the Creator and the nature He created!
Keep your face to the SUNSHINE and you cannot see a shadow.
Helen Keller