Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Old chair project

I picked these up at a garage sale and decided to make them into the boys school chairs.

So I painted them Almond cream and Josh stained the seat for me. :)


Summer adventures!

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July! We had fun with family at the campground and visiting some other places. 
Last week we met the "bug guy". He brought all his bugs to the library for us to see.  The boys holding some cute catepillars called, Cecropia Silkmoth. And also holding a cockroach. 
Outdoor movie theater, we love it there!

One nice afternoon we went picking strawberries and visiting my great uncle. We brought some friends along!
My great uncle telling the kids how he lost his finger, all their mouths dropped. I love listening to stories from back when. 

Daddy broke a chair!! HAHA

Cuddles before the fireworks!

The boys found some caterpillars on milkweed and now they have formed chrysalis, we are so excited! There are three of them, I will update on them soon.