So one day I looked at the boys carpet and said enough is enough, this carpet has to go. So what did I do? I started tearing the carpet out and before you knew it both of the boys carpets were outside in the garbage. I have been putting this off for awhile, so I decided to just get it done. I had no idea how much work was ahead of me. So as you can see this is the floor before sanding, yuck. Then after two weeks of scrubbing and scraping we got it to somewhat look like a wood floor. Then we rented a drum sander and this is what it looks like now in pic number two and three. It still needs alot of work, yes crazy right..... I'm just hoping it will look somewhat descent after we are all done.

I finally got my pantry, its wonderful. My friend (who I have known since I was little) her dad made this for me. He does a great job making cabinets and now a pantry. And this is my Christmas present from my dad, very nice. THANK YOU, DAD! Its such a blessing.
I have started organizing my pantry.
This last weekend we got together with some of Joshs family and the boys enjoyed playing with their little cousin. The boys enjoy him and think he is so cute.